Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ethical and Social responsibility in Marketing

Ethics are the moral principles and values that govern the actions and decisions of an individual or group. Laws are society's values and standards that are enforceable in the courts. this distiction is a good starting point for explaining the differences between legal and ethical behavior in marketing, four reasons for these perceptions are:
1) diverse value system
2) public judgment of business decisions
3) increased expectations about ethical behavior
4) the decline of ethical business conduct.
Understanding Consumer Behavior
Consumer behavior involves the actions a person takes in purchasing and using products and services, including the mental and social processes that come before and after these actions. The stages a buyer passes through in making choices about which products and services to buy are known as the purchase decision process. This process has five stages.

  • Problem recognition: perceiving a need
  • Information search: seeking value
  • Alternative evaluation: assessing value
  • purchase decision: buying value
  • postpurchase behavior: Value in consumption or use

Business chances are everywhere

A small startup in Pearl, IL. The big River fish company is just one group that sees Asian carp not as a  voracious, invasive species, but as a business opportunity.
this kind of fish originally introduced to the United States in the 1970s to eat algae, the carp now threaten the Great lakes.
The fish meat is destined for culinary greatness, and some fishermen see the carp as the next frontier in commercial fish production.
there is a company called " Big River Fish" exporting Asian carp to Asian coutries. From there's website I learned 10/01/2013- Big River fish Corp. signed large quantity Asian Carp. Export and Distribution contract with Kerpana import and Export Corp, a New York based company.
09/05/2013-Big River has signed an exclusive distributor agreement with brilliant Industry Inc., to sell and distribute high end Mitsubishi powered engines, generators, water pumps.
so, business chances are everywhere. it's depends on how smart you can catch the chances !

Monday, October 21, 2013

Creating customer relationships and Value through marketing

U.S. business history is divided into four periods:
  • the production era
  • the sales era
  • the marketing concept era
  • the current customer relationship era
the evaluation phase of the strategic marketing process seeks to keep the marketing program movieng in the direction that was established in the marketing plan. This requires the marketing manager to
  1. compare  the result from the marketing program with the marketing plan's goals to identify deviation
  2. act on the diviation. the planners call the different between the goal and the results the planing gap.
when performance is different from expectations managers can
  1. exploit postive deviation
  2. correct negative deviations.
the strategic marketing process: planning, implementation, evaluation
in Planning phase
  • SWOT analysis
  • market product focus and goal setting
  • the marketing program

Scanning the Marketing Eviroment

First, what is Environmental scanning ?
that is the process of acquiring information about events outside the organization to identify and interpret potential trends. there are 5 enviromental forcces business must monitor:
1) social (demographic shifts, culture changes)
2) economic( macroeconomic conditions, consumer income)
3) technological ( changing technology, technology's impact on customer value, Electronis business technology )
4) competitive ( alternative forms of competition, small business )
5) regulatory ( Laws protrecting competition, laws affecting marketing mix actions, self regulations)

the economy pertains to the income, expenditures, and resources that affect the cost of running a business or household. Economics forces include the strong relationship with consumer.
  • Gross income
  • Disposable income
  • Descretionary income
About competition we have:
1.pure competition ( every company has similar product)
2. monopolistic competition competition ( many sellers compete with substitutable products)


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My today's topic is " Around The World, Nations Of Beauty Can Be a Real Best"
 I think this is one of the most interesting topics for women.
 Koren woman are getting surgeries for permanent smiles. In Venezuela, breast augmentation is so widespread.
women are always continue to go to exreme measures in pursuit of beauty. But in every country, culture peap;e have different opinions of beauty. For example: In western coiuntries ladies prefermore tan skins that looks more healthier. But in most of the coutries, women prefer more light skin.  In Brazil woman like straight hair, but in China ladies spend a lot money on let theirs hair being curve.  This is an interesting world.

Asian Investors find hot market in U.S. Properties

Today,  I was reading about " Asian Investors find hot market in U.S. Properties"
  As an international student from China I was happy to read about these.
The GM building is considered one of the most valuable office towers in the U.S. In May, a large piece of it was purchased by a Chinese real estate developer. Her name is Xin Zhang., the executive officer of Soho China, already owns a significant stake in the Park Avenue Plaza, and other Chinese firms and investor are buying up notable properties across New York.

 Thoes Asian investors are not just buying in New York, Also LA, Hawaii and IL. Canada still buys more commercial real estate in the U.S. than any other nation, but China and other Asian nations are roaring up behind.
In 1980. when Japan scooped up everything from Rockefeller Center to Pebble Beach Golf Links, at inflated prices. Many investors were hit with big losses when the real estate market crumbled a few years later. today's investors may well take heed of the Japanese experience. But CBRE's says Asian nations -investors flush with cash- want to diversify.
 maybe I should work on looking for new job chances in real estate field.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

This time we will talk about "Developing successful Marketing and Organizational strategy"
 Core values are the organization's fundamental, passionate, and enduring principles that guide its conduct over time. So there's mission is a statement of its function in society. identifying its customers, markets, products, and technologies.
To set a strategic direction, we need to answer 2 questions
1. where are we now ?
2. where do we want to go ?
The first answer will be to identify its competencies, cutomers, and cometitors.
the second answer is accomplish with business portfolio analysis and diversification analysis.
  I think a lot people heard about marketing strategy. So, what is that on our book ?
A marketing strategy is the means by which a marketing goal is to be achieved , usually characterized by a specific target market and a marketing program to reach it.

what is marketing ?

Marketing is the activity for creating, communication, delivering, and exchanging offerings that benefit the organization, its stakeholdersand society at large. To serve both buyers and sellers.
1. To discover the prospective customers needs and wants.
2. To satisfy them.
 So, In this book mainly talking about how we can achieve these 2 objectives, which is the trade of things of value between buyer and seller so that each is better off after the trade.
The first objective in marketing is discovering the needs and wants of prospective customers.
   A need occurs when a person feels deprived of basic necessities.
   A want is a need that is shaped by a person's knowledge, culture, and personality.
The second objective in marketing is satisfying needs and wants.

So, what is successful marking ? It is a marketing to provide sufficient value to gain loyal, long-term customers.
then we should know what is customer value. It is the unique combination of benefits received by targeted buyers that usually includes quality convenience, on time delivery, and both before-sale and after -sale service at a specific price.